Why Are Resolutions Important?
NGAMA and NGAUS are member-based organizations; input from our members is instrumental in determining what direction we take in the coming years. Your input defines what issues are important. Our duty is to support the National Guard community by lobbying the Massachusetts State Legislature and the United States Congress.
Through face-to-face engagement, letters, emails, and phone calls, we make sure that our representatives understand the important issues facing the National Guard today.
What is a Resolution?
A resolution is a legislative idea that a member or state would like NGAMA to work on. If it is a state issue, NGAMA will work with the Massachusetts State Legislature. For federal issues, NGAMA will work with NGAUS to make our voice heard. As a member-based organization, NGAMA and NGAUS solicits proposed resolutions from its membership aimed at enhancing the National Guard, its equipment, capabilities and the quality of life for Soldiers, Airmen and their families.
Resolutions are categorized as Army, Air or Joint. Army and Air resolutions relate to missions or equipment under the purview of the Army and Air National Guard, while Joint resolutions relate to issues involving personnel and benefits, medical, and domestic operations.
Submit a Resolution
Preparing a Draft Resolution
For information about preparing a resolution go to ngaus.org/legislation/resolutions.
Resolutions must be submitted to the NGAMA Resolution Co-Chairmen.
NGAMA Resolution Submission Process
Resolutions must be submitted to either point of contact no later than 1 July each year. This deadline allows for the resolutions to be reviewed and processed for adoption at the NGAMA Annual Conference. Members may continue to submit resolutions for consideration in the following year.
Members of NGAMA should feel free to contact the Resolutions committee for advice and assistance in preparation of their resolution.
Newly Submitted Draft Resolutions from NGAMA
Federal Resolution Priorities
Joint 15 K Add MA
Cyber Force Readiness
June 20, 2023
To include National Guard Cyber Forces in the definition of the Department of Defense Cyber Operations Forces (DOD COF)
Including the Army National Guard Cyber Forces into the definition of the Department of Defense Cyber Operations Forces (DOD COF) would significantly improve training, resourcing, and mission opportunities. The 2022 NDAA granted USCYBERCOM Enhanced Budget Control (EBC), which provides direct control and management of planning, programming, budgeting and execution of the resources to maintain the cyber mission force. Army Guard cyber forces cannot benefit from USCYBERCOMS EBC and will be challenged in receiving resources as the outlier in cyber forces. All other branches and compos are included in the definition of DOD COF, and resources are planned and programed through the USCYBERCOM EBC except Army Guard cyber. The Army Guard is structured in line with other services and compos, meets readiness levels, and participates in title 10 mobilizations alongside counterparts from other services and compos. The Army Guard resourcing should be aligned. As an example, excluding the Army Guard from the DOD COF goes against the Army’s Total Force mentality and the USCYBERCOM’s intent that Cyber Protection Teams (CPTs) should be able to function as a CPT, regardless of service or compo. The 2023 NDAA directs the review of Definitions Associated with Cyberspace Operations Forces (Sec 1557, page 1333) NLT 120 days post bill enactment, SECDEF, acting through the OSD PCA, and the Principal Cyber Advisors of the military departments shall review the 12 December 2019 memo concerning the definition of the term “Department of Defense Cyberspace Operations Forces” (DOD COF). The review will also include the responsibilities of the Commander of USCYBERCOM as the Cyberspace Joint Force Provider and Cyberspace Joint Force Trainer, with the respect to forces included and excluded from the COF and will update the memo and, as appropriate, update such responsibilities.
Joint 27 G Add MA
Technician Pay
June 8, 2023
Prevent earmarks on appropriations that reduce technician pay.
The NDAA established a strength floor for National Guard Technicians (which includes T5 NG Employees). Army National Guard manpower requirements determination process identifies the minimum number of full-time personnel (including T32 Technicians and T5 NG Employees) needed to perform a federal workload as required by law, regulation and policy. States only received authorization/authority to staff a percentage of these requirements based on a percent fill (Managed Level of Resource) each Fiscal Year determined by ARNG leadership priorities. DA funds these authorized positions using a calculation that considers the average pay and benefits cost. FY23 NGTP is funded at 94.5% for pay and benefits. NGB does not receive separate funding for training and travel or awards. NGB took $50M from NGTP this FY due to a “congressional mark”. Proposed resolution would prevent earmarks on appropriations to support pay and allowances of National Guard personnel appointed under 32 USC 709.
NGAMA Standing Resolutions at NGAUS
J 18 K Add MA
NORTHCOM Commander or Deputy National Guard Membership
The Army and Air National Guard operate under the control of the federal government, with very few exceptions. Therefore, the NG should have the same access to DERA funding as their active duty counterparts for ALL contaminants for the purposes of investigation, design, remediation and all related peripheral costs. Based upon the Policy put forth by the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Energy, Installations and Environment memo dated 28 Nov 2017, the NG was retroactively eliminated from using DERA funds. Since that memo, NDAA FY19 has allocated $29M for Guard use for at PFOS/PFOA contaminated site remediation, in addition to opening up DERA funded for NG PFOS/PFOA investigation and design. Those two compounds are but two of the contaminants that require remediation when discovered on NG facilities. This policy eliminated Guard use of DERA funds for any legacy or emerging contaminants. If the Guard is no longer allowed DERA funding, they must now use O & M funds for these “must pay bills”. Basically, this would require the National Guard to utilize operational funds normally slated for maintenance and training; dramatically affecting unit mission readiness and lethality of the force.
The purpose of this resolution is to introduce language that would require the U.S. Army North’s Commander to be a qualified National Guard officer who is eligible for promotion to the grade of O-9. U.S. Army North’s primary responsibilities are Homeland Defense, Defense Support of Civil Authorities and Security Cooperation activities with the armed forces of Canada and Mexico. This mission is uniquely suited to National Guard flag officers with the experience gained from leading repeated domestic response missions, as well as the lasting relationships that they have developed while responding to large scale emergencies time and time again each time the nation has called. As the Army has become an integrated global force with the Army National Guard as its partner, it makes sense that it would direct the mission of Homeland Defense to its component that has significant overlap into this area to the point of redundancy. The Army National Guard has continuously proven the ability to respond effectively to a wide range of domestic emergencies, build the necessary partnerships, and simultaneously maintained the ability to provide ready forces to Combatant Commanders overseas.
Have an idea for a Resolution?
Contact the Resolutions committee to submit ideas that benefit Massachusetts Guard members, their families and retirees.
Better yet—join the committee and lend your expertise to the Association and its members.
NGAMA Resolution Contacts:
Ryan Peterson
Resolutions Committee Chair
email: [email protected]
or [email protected]
call: 781-430-9583
Matthew McKenna
NGAMA Executive Director
email: [email protected]
call: 617-633-3117