NGAMA Scholarship Programs

About the NGAMA Scholarship Program

The National Guard Association of Massachusetts has been awarding scholarships to members of the Massachusetts National Guard, their spouses and children for more than 30 years. The scholarship prize is awarded directly to the student to assist with the increasing costs of books and fees that are often not included in other scholarship awards.

This year, the Association is offering two $1,500 awards.

2024 Scholarship Recipients

$1500 Scholarship
SFC Andrew Ackerman
C/1-20 SFG

$1500 Scholarship
Mr. Mark Silva
Son of CSM Daniel J. Silva, 101st Regional Training Institute


2023 Scholarship Recipients

$1000 Scholarship
SPC Leila Camplese
MA ARNG Medical Command

$1000 Scholarship
Mr. Matthew Kersey
Son of SFC Matthew Kersey, Camp Curtis Guild Range Control Operations


2022 Scholarship Recipients

$1000 Scholarship
SSG Jackson Sinnott
Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion, 181st Infantry Regiment

$1000 Scholarship
SGT Erika Caban
164th Quartermaster Platoon


2021 Scholarship Recipients

$1000 Scholarship
Ms. Ashli Black
Daughter of 1LT Black, 126th Cyber Protection Battalion

$1000 Scholarship
Airman Zyiasia Knighton
104th Fighter Wing


2020 Scholarship Recipients

$2020 Scholarship
Ms. Kaylin Gass

$1636 Scholarship
CW2 Brian Goekler


2019 Scholarship Recipients

$2020 Scholarship
Airman Moses Ssemugenyi

104th FW, MAANG

$1636 Scholarship
Ms. Alyssa Fragano
Daughter of Lt Col Kenneth Fragano, 102d IW, MAANG


2018 Scholarship Recipients

$2500 Scholarship
Ms. Shannon McGovern

Daughter of SMSgt Brian McGovern, 102d IW, MAANG

$1500 Scholarship
Ms. Olyvia O’Brien
Daughter of SMSgt Joseph O’Brien, 102d IW, MAANG

$1000 Scholarship
Mr. Nicholas Ferreira
Son of CW4 Daniel Ferreira, DET 12 OSACOM, MAARNG


2017 Scholarship Recipients

$2500 Scholarship
Ms. Valerie Pauer

Daughter of Col Eric Pauer, MAANG

$1500 Scholarship
Mr. Jacob Gramstorff
Son of LTC Chris Gramstorff, MAARNG

$1000 Scholarship
Ms. Demi DiCarlo
Daughter of CPT Jay DiCarlo, MAARNG

$4000 Norwich Scholarship
SrA Cliff Blackmon
101st Intelligence Squadron, MAANG


2016 Scholarship Recipients


$2500 Scholarship
Ms. Valerie Pauer

Daughter of Col Eric Pauer, MAANG

$1500 Scholarship
Ms. Grace Mayer
Daughter of MAJ Greg Mayer, MAARNG

$1000 Scholarship
Ms. Jessica Devine
Daughter of COL Tom Devine, MAARNG


2015 Scholarship Recipients

$2500 Scholarship
Ms. Rachel Cousins

Daughter of Lt Col Mike Cousins, MAANG

$1500 Scholarship
Ms. Valerie Pauer
Daughter of Col Eric Pauer, MAANG

$1000 Scholarship
Mr. Cameron Fiorentino
Son of LTC Peter Fiorentino, MAARNG


2014 Scholarship Recipients

Mr. Ethan Fennell
Son of LTC Joel Finnell, MAARNG

Ms. Alyssa Gramstorff
Daughter of LTC Chris Gramstorff, MAARNG


2023 NGAMA Scholarship Recipients

Lt Col Beth Crouch, Association president, with 2023 scholarship recipients, SFC Matthew Kersey (accepting on behalf of his son, Matthew) and SPC Leila Camplese, along with Maj Gen Gary Keefe, The Adjutant General. The winners received their scholarship awards during the NGAMA State Conference on March 4, 2023 at the Tsongas Center in Lowell, Massachusetts.