Oct 27, 2020 | News, Updates
Website redesign combines updated branding with a vision for the future After months of hard work, the Association’s Executive Committee relaunched ngama.org on October 27, 2020 with an all new user experience. Not only did the site receive a much needed...
Oct 27, 2020 | Information, Updates
Introducing more ways to engage with your Association and connect with peers Now it’s easier than ever to get the news, updates and other information about the important work NGAMA is doing. The Association’s LinkedIn page launched on October 17, 2020 to...
Oct 16, 2020 | News, Updates
Current National Guard member and local lobbyist chosen as newest Executive Director The Executive Committee of the National Guard Association of Massachusetts (NGAMA) recently voted to hire Matthew McKenna of Tenax Strategies as their new Executive Director. Matthew...
Oct 16, 2020 | News, Updates
During the 2019 Conference in Denver NGAUS members overwhelmingly voted to streamline the Active Annual dues structure. In the past, dues were based on officer pay grades, resulting in 15 separate levels. The current change reduces these to the three categories listed...
Jan 1, 2019 | News, Updates
On 1 January 2019, the last day of the 2018 Legislative Session, the Massachusetts State Legislature passed S2611. This legislation had been a priority for NGAMA and the Association actively advocated for its passage. The legislation now awaits the signature of the...
Sep 6, 2016 | News, Updates
NGAUS offers several programs directed to Company Grade Officers to assist them with their professional development and to better inform them of the importance of the work being done by NGAUS. Several NGAMA members took advantage of the summer NGAUS program and...