NGAMA CGO’s Take Advantage of NGAUS Professional Development Opportunities
NGAUS offers several programs directed to Company Grade Officers to assist them with their professional development and to better inform them of the importance of the work being done by NGAUS. Several NGAMA members took advantage of the summer NGAUS program and...
Large NGAMA Contingent Attends Nashville Conference
Lead by Massachusetts Adjutant General, Major General L. Scott Rice and NGAMA Association President Lt Col Sean Halbrook, over 50 NGAMA members and their guest attended the 137th Annual NGAUS Conference in Nashville, TN on September 10-14, 2015. This was the largest...
NGAMA Life Member Luncheon Draws a Crowd
We had seventy life members signed up to attend our annual luncheon at the Commons at Hanscom AFB. Unfortunately due to the severe weather we experienced that day, thirteen could make it. Still this represented the largest response we experienced in several years....
NGAMA Wins Bid To Host NGAUS 2020 Conference
NGAMA recently won a competitive selection process with several other states to host the NGAUS General Conference and Exhibition scheduled for 2020. For the last six months many NGAMA members have been working on creating and contributing to the NGAMA Boston 2020...
Successful Regional Commanders Receptions Held
Three highly successful Regional Commanders Receptions were held throughout the state with over 100 NGAMA members attending the informative socials. The socials were held February in Springfield, and two were held in March at West Bridgewater and at Hanscom AFB. The...
NGAMA Plans For A Busy Fall
NGAMA is planning for a busy fall with a variety of activities. We are always looking for members to serve on Committee and assist in planning our initiatives. If you are interested in assisting your Association please write to [email protected]. Here are some of...
History-Making Chicago NGAUS Conference Completed
The NGAMA delegation led by the Adjutant General Maj Gen L Scott Rice and NGAMA First Vice President Lt Col Sean Halbrook helped create history at the Chicago NGAUS Conference. Maj. Gen. Deborah Ashenhurst, the adjutant general of Ohio since January 2011, was elected...
Chapter 33 Legislation Approved By State Legislature
One of NGAMA’s legislative priorities, the updating of Massachusetts State Statute Chapter 33 has recently passed the State Legislature and awaits the signature of Governor Patrick. Chapter 33 is the state statute that governs the Massachusetts National Guard. Chapter...
Successful Regional Commanders Receptions Held
Three highly successful Regional Commanders Receptions were held throughout the state with over 100 NGAMA members attending the informative socials. The socials were held February in Springfield, and two were held in March at West Bridgewater and at Hanscom AFB. The...
Congressman William Keating Receives NGAUS Award
Major General L. Scott Rice, The Adjutant General of the Massachusetts National Guard, presented William R. Keating, U.S. Representative for the 9th Congressional District of Massachusetts, the Charles Dick Medal of Merit. The Charles Dick Medal of Merit was...